Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Begin Again

Hi, I'm supposed to introduce myself. I have thought about a million ways in the past hour and resorted to the old but classic. Hi, I'm Afshan Fatima :) . This space is about me. ALL ABOUT ME. Yes I'm tad bit full of myself. So , In the world of doctors and engineers I'm neither. I'm not even the secret but viable third option- business student either. Well I study Psychology , yes still studying to be one and I'll be one if I don't mess up this year. The final year. Ha feels great to be a final year student. I just entered the 20s last week. The big number. Initially I was like OMG (yes I did actually say that) but then later I was like meh(well I didn't exactly say that but definitely felt it) So till now we have accomplished my name, my age and the fact that I'm a girl( if my name doesn't give that away I'm one and that to studying in an all girls college- On the bright side I can wear what I want to) I have always been interested in writing, I stuck to pen and paper growing up because I never understood the concept of a blog. My big accomplishment back then was switching on the computer without corrupting it with virus and playing pinball (yes 90s kid ) and also doodling on paint and amusing the people around with the wonder of ctrl+Z . Fun times. I used to amuse myself with it rather since amusing others required to have people around and I was a loner. Growing up. Ouch. That still hurts. But I've made peace with it. Things have changed and as it is said everything passes. So  did that. I have people I need in my life rather than the people I want. Big difference between the two , learnt it the harder way- you know the usual process going behind 'The people' ,going out of my way to please them. That had to end and it did. Leaving behind the toxic people and maintaining distances from a few more has definitely made me feel much better about myself. I used to wallow in self-pity. Sucks right?  and now I glow in self-admiration(in control though) well I've always been the extremes type so... I have been travelling all my life , changed about 12 schools( technically 11-I came back to one again) It still counts because I was always the new girl sadly not the mysterious one since I've always been an open book.I'm proud about it . I flaunt what I'm and what I bring to the table . Never understood the concept of pretending to be someone else with particular people just to fit in. It's good to be different and I'm proud I'm. So well that's all about me for now
I believe at the end everything turns out well. All's well that ends well. huh? Shakespeare (the literature student in me).Let's see how this one turns out. Looking forward to this amazing experience to express myself , see others express themselves and also to strike one more thing off my bucket list. To learn to blog successfully. 

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