We have all done that at some point in our lives, believing in fortune cookies, leaving our fate in the hands of a magic 8 ball( Okay, I'm talking about the Magic 8 ball App here and yes I have it on my phone), depending on universal signs whether to do something or not. We usually depend on these to get our mind out of being a conflicted being, but more often than not we hope for a particular thing. How much ever we try to convince others and ourselves as well, we all know what we hope for every time we shake our phones to glory to get the answer out of the magic 8 ball app or when we flip a coin. We know in that very moment what we want and it is never the right thing. Oh life, you have some real weird ways to mess it up for us, but our relationship with you isn't something we can afford to lose, no matter how hard one tries and also that's never an answer.
- Remember the time when Ross uses magic 8 ball to decide whether he should see Rachel again or no? "Later is not good enough" It never is, neither is magic 8 ball for such crucial decisions at the very least.
So yes, we are always put in tricky situations where we have to choose between somethings, someones. Never easy. Not as easy as a flip of a coin. Only if it was that easy though. Once I chose to use the 'Flip the coin' method to make a decision regarding particular someones. It didn't matter whether it was 'heads' or 'tails' when the coin was up in the air, I hoped for one and I knew that was my answer, that was my choice.
- Do I wear this for a date? Yes or No. Magic 8 ball to the rescue.
- Do I tell my BFF I made out with her BF? Magic 8 ball to the rescue.
- Do I tell I flunked my math paper at home? Magic 8 ball to the rescue.
- Do I eat the last slice of pizza today? Magic 8 ball to the rescue
- Do I tell her I started the terrible rumor about her? Magic 8 ball to the rescue.
Yep! Though we all depend on these in situations of dilemma where there is an obvious answer( the right answer) and the convenient answer but in the midst of shaking the ball or when the coin is up in the air, you are hoping for one answer. Always choose that, it's going to be your choice anyway. Just be ready to own up to the consequences. You'll always have the 'What if' factor. What if I chose the other option? No just NO. Life's too short to think about the road not taken. Till then enjoy the inventions of Magic 8 balls and fortune cookies and all the universal signs that give you the 'Push' to go after whatever you want.
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